A Better Tomorrow, Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Education, Prevention
Cosmetic Surgery was my life’s dream, my passion. My first mountain. I must thank all those who in some way contributed to my reaching my goal of practicing cosmetic surgery in Beverly Hills. You made it possible for me to experience the happiest few years of my life, and for that I truly thank each and every one of you. It was as if, as an eagle, I experienced flight and got to soar, although it did not last long, and seemingly did not end well. However, I have grown tremendously as a result. I have learned many lessons which short of these challenging experiences I would not have learned. My wings have grown, and are much stronger now. I am a wiser eagle. I have not died. I survived and I am not defeated. I feel blessed. I find it necessary to thank God for sparing my life and carrying me through the fire into safety, and glory of the present. Who knows, maybe one of these days, I decide to return to practice of medicine and surgery to be of service to people again directly. Plastic Surgery

Taking full Responsibility for the Outcome:

This world is at a crossroads. Hatred, prejudice, and evil against innocent and undeserving of cruelty. We are on the brink of a potential escalation of the current war into a global war. Let’s spread goodwill and love through philanthropy and collaboration. Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery
My Appologies
Everyone makes mistakes. To make mistakes is human. Leadership skill is accepting fault, learning from one’s mistakes, and not making the same mistakes again.
The obstacle to admitting fault is usually our ego. I most likely have a huge one, which is as big as that of most surgeons’. I rather conquer mine at this time and apologize, so here it goes:
I love people and I would never intentionally hurt anyone. However, if by making poor choices, in some way, I have caused you pain and hurt you, please accept my most sincere and heartfelt apology.

Although cosmetic surgery was my life’s passion, and I did everything in my power to be the best surgeon I could be, I know that I have had patients who were less than happy.
In general, I have always tried to do my best in life. I have always done my best to be a good person, but I know that I have made many mistakes and poor choices over the years.
If I have done you wrong, I am sorry. From the bottom of my heart I apologize. I truly hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Plastic surgery