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1-800-Dr New Me



Welcome to Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills, Shane Sheibani! We're here to elevate your awareness!

LEADERSHIP Requirements by Dr. New Me:

A: Attitude
R: Respect
T: Tolerance
I: Inspiration
C: Courage
C: Commitment
C: Compassion
S: Sacrifice
Dr. New Me

DrNewMe: If You Are A Teacher, You Must Teach!!

Whatever you were put on this earth to do, you must do, or else you will not be truly fulfilled. That is the simple truth of life. Your job is to find out what that is, learn it, and perfect it. Listen my friend! It is difficult to feel stuck in a world that seems to follow a circular pattern!

Quotes By Dr. New Me Since 1996

It is normal to feel lost some times. We all do. The bigger our purpose and calling in life, the bigger and complex the puzzle is. It may take quite many years to finally tune-into your calling. I have found my way home, to my path in life, by reflecting in! I know who I am, and I know what I am here to do! But being a human, at times, we all make mistakes and lose our way home! The most important thing is to always remember that, above all else, we are spiritual beings! No matter what happens in life, our titles, our assets, our properties, our relationships,  perspectives of others about us, and nothing else should define who we are! It is our relationship to our our God, our higher-calling, and our purpose in life that defines us! No matter how badly we lose our way in life, the guiding light, the compus within our heart is the light of God within! Our spiritual calling! Our higher self! I call it our “SPIRITUAL DNA”! Reflecting inwards, it will always bring us back home!!

Sometimes in life, everything seems to be in a stand-still. No matter how much we want to get somethings done, the universe seems to be on a vacation! When the world offers you a break in life; a time off; take it!

"Food & Stress Kill!!

Most causes of death are related to our stress level and the food we eat. Control and minimize your stress! The less cooked & processed foods you eat the longer you live! Food & Stress Kill! Remember that every moment; so don’t get stressed and choose what you eat wisely! Before you can be a transformed person, it is important to be a healthy person!!

“When we are children, we love all peoples. Why is it that as we get older we develop certain liking towards some cultures, colors, races and religions and dislike towards others? It is because of the teachers and leaders in our world! If someone teaches anything but love towards another human being, he does not deserve to be a teacher nor a leader! Those who preach hatred and encourage violence against others are criminals!”

_Dr. New Me

Adam Bash!

So I am thinking today and here is what’s on my mind! As difficult as it is to go to university and earn degrees and become an educated person, it is many times more difficult to become “Adam”! We Persians have this simple word Adam, that we try to teach our kids since childhood. We say “Adam Bash” meaning be a good person. If the kid does something that is inappropriate or below his expected level of maturity we say “Adam Bash”!  

Once the kid becomes an adult, we stop saying it, hoping he will remind himself!  

He will do his best and does what’s expected of him!

I was reviewing my life along with the one person I trust the most, and I realized I made a good deal of mistakes (as we all do) and I felt for the sake of transparency and appreciation of my most wonderful parents in the world I should publicly admit to it. 

Good Morning to my Earthian Brothers and Sisters:

Remember, what you have been through in life has no bearing on what you will accomplish in your future. Your Spiritual DNA is in charge of your future and the past was simply a means to prepare you for your future. 
What are you going to do today to accomplish a bit of what you are meant to do in your life??  
You can find love even 200 feet beneath the surface or above! Love is the universal language of nature. 
I am completely capable of being happy alone and stopping to look so that I surrender but I choose to be proactive about marriage. My soul is much happier married as is everything else in my life (of course with the right person this time)!

I had problems with my business that years ago and I thought that I was out of my business I thought that was the worst thing that can happen to me!! As I was feeling the pain of that disaster; I lost my surgical center which took 10 years to build. Then I lost all my money and real estate! Then I lost my home!


Then I lost my hope, happiness and hopefulness and got severe depression and almost lost my life. Then I lost my belief in God’s fairness And mercy. Then I lost my medical license. Then I totally lost my name and reputation. Then I lost my health to diabetes. Then I lost my marriage. So now I realize how blessed I am that I have so much. I learned Hashem took everything to show me how much he loved me. What I lost is nothing in comparison to what I do have left! BAROUKH HASHEM!

Dr. New Me Quotes 2014

“Devious community leaders, public servants and politicians are cancer to our society! It is thanks to them that healthcare is devastated in our country! From those in the congress, down to those running Medical Boards and the Medical Societies; together they are hurting much more people than they are helping!! I hope they soon find their conscience and change their ways!!”
_ Dr. New Me 

“Often in life I have found that we tend to run in certain directions with all our might but ultimately we would end-up where we belong!! The lesson learned: Run less and live in the moment. We will eventually be where we are destined to be!! All running will do is deprive us of fully experiencing and enjoying the pleasures hidden in each moment e.g. Time we could spend with our grand parents, kids, parents, those we love and care about!”
_ Dr. New Me


Here is what I have discovered in my life so far:

Although we are all made of GOODNESS internally (soul with good attributes) we all have needs and pursue to fulfill them. The more we consider other’s needs as we pursue to fulfill our own needs, and refuse to give into our desire to receive for ourselves alone; the more we potentiate the goodness within ourselves.

 In this process as we repeatedly and regularly consider other’s needs as well as our own and support others in fulfilling their needs; we reach the level of GOOD!! That’s what a good person is! One who cares for other’s needs, helps them and considers them as he strives to fulfill his own needs. 

Psycho Spiritual Energy

Our psycho spiritual energy is unique to us. Of course that’s an assumption I make but I believe based on how our bodies are created where we are each unique our psychospiritual footprint is also unique sort of like a fingerprint that know people‘s fingerprints are the same so true I believe our psycho spiritual energies are unique to us. Although these energies are unique I believe that that they are of the same material as that of the spiriting general. One day with the advancement of science I am sure we will be able to measure are psycho spiritual energies and determine the levels of this energy and various intricacies thereof. Additionally additionally one day we will be able to determine that kind of energy that we are connected to the universe through. And we would are effecting each other.

Enrollment: It’s like getting a girl into bed 1st wall: they do not want to engage: solution is acknowledgment

Mask-who they are trying to be-their ego—take your own mask off first then they will take off theirs 

Vulnerability—I had the same issue…take off your mask—who were you before the training and who are you now? Before I was not passionate, loving, I was dead inside, not leading and inspiring…before the training my mask was always my image, I wanted people to see I was great but deep inside I was sad and lonely and I only cared about myself—-now I wake up and I am passionate and I am able to connect with people and I am an inspiration, I do not wear my mask, I hold my own power, even if others don’t love me, go fuck yourself, hundreds of people do…inspirational and passionate and loving room

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Master Control Room—Listen Listen Listen with interest——come from neutrality, focus out, Listen, interest, I am here for you, focus on their greatness, I want to see you and your greatness, Empathy-compassion–I feel you, I understand you, just like my doctoring 

Dear Steven:

Yes, I have been having a great Pessac so far. Thanks very much for the Update. It was very well presented. A 

I would like to know the link to the site. I would also know as to how much you have offered each eBook for and how you have come to decide the price for each…

Welcome to Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills, Shane Sheibani's Personal Coaching

I am excited to help you unlock your full potential and achieve your personal goals. As a certified life coach, I specialize in empowering individuals to develop a positive mindset, build self-confidence, and improve their overall well-being. Let’s work together to create a plan that will help you thrive and live the life you have always envisioned.

Dr. New Me Quotes 2011 to 01-15-2012

Please make sure you credit me for each of the quotes and then make sure please Dr. New Me in the credits is a link to Dr. New Me website.

Always try to do what's right, even if you have to stand alone!

As we grow older in life, we realize that we need to be willing to surrender ourselves to life! We need to always do our best in everything we do, but we learn that it is not us against life! We can work hard, struggle, chase our dreams and sacrifice but ultimately we’d realize that life is in charge. Life has its own plans for us and we eventually end-up where we are meant to be!! Happiness is an inside job! Just learn to be happy with what life has decided for you. Just be positive, care about others, surrender yourself to life and be willing to be happy with what life wants for you.

Way more important than the speed in which we travel are the direction and the path in which we travel. Slow down or even temporarily stop if you have to, but make sure you are traveling the right way!

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