My blog

1-800-Dr New Me



Welcome to Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills, Shane Sheibani! We're here to elevate your awareness!

This is my Attempt to say Thanks!

I need to thank the thousands of patients who have entrusted their lives in my hands, and have referred their family, loved ones, and friends. 

 I appreciate you for bestowing your trust in me. Performing thousands of cosmetic surgeries was fulfilling the greatest dream of my life, as was becoming a successful, and prominent cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills. Achieving my dreams became possible with your love, kindness, and support, and for that, I would forever be thankful to each one of you. 

My dear Beloved Patients, Thank you all for your Trust!

I Thank my Mentors, Colleagues, and all Those Who Have in Some Way Been Instrumental in my Success!

Beside the amazing patients who entrusted their lives and that of their family, loved ones, and friend in my hands, I have had the privilege of working with many amazing colleagues in my career who have equally contributed to my success as a cosmetic surgeon. There are too many to mention, many of whom are already retired, or no longer with us. 

The late Dr. Bernard Koire was a legend in Beverly Hills. He was one of the greatest plastic surgeons who practiced in Beverly Hills for over fifty years. I had the privilege of completing my first year of Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship under his tutelage in Beverly Hills, on Bedford Drive. 

I followed that with two more years with Dr. Morton Mazaheri, another world-renowned Plastic and Reconstructive, Cosmetic Surgeon and worked with him for several years after. He is also a legend. 

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Stem Cells

March 20, 2024/

Dr. Daniel Davidson, MD, MBA Introduction: Stem cells have captivated the imagination of scientists and the public alike for their…

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