“The perpetual losers get to feel like winners from time to time by making sure they never take any chances, but watch from afar with a heart full of fear and jealousy of those achievers who do! Real success is rarely achieved without taking risks, overcoming challenges, and falling, yet getting back up over, and over again!
The failures of the achievers give the occasional feeling of success to the losers! When achievers fail and fall, others may count them out! However, those who are true achievers are battle-hardened warriors. They are used to the fight, the struggle, the fall, and the challenges. They have felt the pain of defeat, and they have gotten back up over and over again, each time learning many lessons, and becoming stronger, wiser, and better than before. Transformed into better warriors, developing a will more solid, the resilience to survive yet another battle, and the ability to rise from the ashes like a phoenix again! But ultimately, when true success comes to the achievers in life, the losers discount their achievements with claims such as “luck”, “cheating” or “unfair!”
Advice to a Man Looking for Love In a Materialistic World:
In addressing a highly educated professional man disappointed in love:
“Sometimes, the smartest thing to do is to agree with yourself to be happy with doing nothing. Some of the smartest people are those who can decide when to do things, and what to do in various situations, but even wiser than them are those who know when to do nothing! We don’t always have to do something! We do not have to react to everything and in every situation! Being able to stay calm and not do anything when a normal, reactive response is to respond with emotion, can turn an ordinary person into a leader! The opposite is also true! Responding emotionally can destroy a leader!”
“When my significant other isn’t a pain in my pants, I often feel like I’m stuck on an island all alone! My world feels completely de-populated! It feels like almost everything I am used to is missing “
"Some men complain that their wives claim they know everything! That does not apply to me! My wife doesn't claim she knows everything! She just hates it when I don't know everything!!"
"As a father, the greatest feeling of calm satisfaction that I experience is when I watch my girls from the corner of the room and I realize that they are growing into happy, confident, and intelligent young ladies. No satisfaction is more deeply felt and enjoyable. Financial, professional, or educational achievements are great, but what truly lasts a lifetime, to the end is the satisfaction of parenthood. We are programmed by nature to parent children, and if we focus our attention on that primary responsibility, no matter what else happens in life, we are more likely to feel an ever-lasting inner satisfaction."
"Anytime in life when I have worried that things will never get better and lost hope, life has softly proven me wrong. Every time, just by my mere commitment to overcoming great seemingly overwhelming obstacles, those situations not only have proven to be simply no match for my will, but they also have proven to be the greatest opportunities for my growth, for my life to become better and for me to become stronger. All I had to do was to step back, relax, and not give in and not give up! Have gratitude for all your many blessings, starting with your eyes, ears, tongue, throat, gut, arms, heart, lungs, bowels, kidneys, liver, bowels, arms, legs, etc. and today will start to feel great. Do your best with whatever you have. That is all that is expected of you and that is all that you can do. There is always a tomorrow! If there is not, then there is nothing to worry about! If you wake up tomorrow, you will have a positive, thankful day and give it your best shot! That is all you can do! Life will continue to be good!"
"Time is our best friend when it comes to overcoming problems, no matter how great they seem. Just all I have learned we need to do is give the problem TIME to work itself out! In the meanwhile, while that aspect of life works itself out, our life has numerous other aspects that can have the chance to flourish and evolve! When life in one aspect seems to come to a halt, focus your mind on other many aspects that you could improve and move forward."
"Talk to your soul, and listen to its advice! In a mental space of peace, in silence, in a quiet place, devoid of anger, demands, needs, and pressures from anyone, open yourself up to your inner self, to the light within! Follow it, no matter how difficult! Your soul knows where you must be heading in life, and knows when you arrive!"
"As much as you can, try to stay in One Place, focus on One Thing, and Grow your Roots & Limbs. Stay Planted & Grow! Every time you move, you cut your roots (connections and people you know, who know you!)
You may wake up one day and you find yourself still looking for a chance!!! You create your chance by focusing like a laser beam and staying committed to whatever you are passionate about!"
"When we are young, we live with a certain set of beliefs and attitudes that are based on seeing ourselves as the center of our universe and we may falsely think that we are perpetual or even indestructible. Death may seem so far away and life so long and forever. Later as we grow older, experiences of life humble us to realize that although we can make a difference in our world, when we put our whole existence in perspective, we are but a small drop in the ocean of life. It is not to make us feel worthless or negligible but to appreciate every relationship, every day, and every experience as it is what life is made of, and in the blink of an eye, it could all end! We start to realize how finite and unpredictable life is, and how we can not take it for granted! We realize that we have responsibilities to others, and life is not all about ourselves and we are not the center of the universe. We don't take anything with us, and we can choose to be forgotten as soon as we die, or we can leave a legacy that makes us eternal! That legacy depends on how many people in this world we have touched and how we have served this world when we were alive! We are like a candle burning and melting a little every day! We can waste our light burning in isolation, busy lighting our own individual space for our benefit, or we can burn for the sake of others, lighting the world! I choose to burn and melt for the world! How about you?"
"Material things are necessities for our existence but we must learn to not become a slaves to them! Whether it is money, real estate, vehicles, or anything else material, it is to serve us and not for us to live in its pursuit! We must practice to be happy as a minimalist!
We can never have them all!
How many beds do we sleep in each night? How many rooms is that bed in? So what does a single man need an eight, ten, twelve-bedroom home for?
How many cars you drive at a time to go from point A to point B? How much food do you need before you feel full? How many pairs of shoes do you need to walk in to get to work? Most times, we have way more than enough!
There is no deficiency in this world to eradicate hunger, famine, homelessness, poverty, and almost all the social issues that our world is dealing with! What is lacking is the will and collaboration!"