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1-800-Dr New Me



Welcome to Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills, Shane Sheibani! We're here to elevate your awareness!

Daniel Davidson, MBA, DBA, PhD
HealthCare Executive
Expert Professional Consultant
Office: 310-766-6600
Direct: 310-212-1500

Please make sure you credit me for each of the quotes and then make sure please Dr. New Me in the credits is a link to Dr. New Me website.

Quotes by (Dr. Daniel Davidson.):

1. “We can always be looking back in regret and be wondering “What If…?” but isn’t a better question to ask of ourselves: “What is next…?” and then “What else…? and again later ask “What now…?  What I have come to realize is that our inner soul has the greatest compass ever designed. Our soul naturally has been programmed to know down to the DNA level as to where we must be in life and also knows when we arrive. It also knows when we are on the right path or off of the right path. We just must be willing to listen, adjust our direction is life and then once we are on the right path, our job is to keep going.”
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

21. “Diamond is not worth much as a rock; a piece of carbon like charcoal! But the pressures over the years turn it into diamond! Metals are pieces of rock; but by heat and pressure turn into valuable goods!
Metal-smith heats the metal and before it melts bangs it by a heavy hammer into shape; using heat and pressure to mold it into an eternal beautiful asset! Just like Metal and Diamond take shape and become valuable by mere pressure; so too people become who they are meant to be only if they are willing to tolerate the pressures of life that are meant to shape them; and they do not give up! After we reach a higher level closer to our ultimate calling; we must be willing to leave our protected comfortable environment and move to where our new self can manifest its intended future! To achieve ultimate fulfillment in life, we must be willing to risk by leaving our comfort zone.
This is not painless nor is it easy! Think of a bird; a butterfly or seed of a tree; none will materialize if they each fail to tolerate the breakage of the comfort of the walls within which they are each comfortable! Every birth of any being requires similar processes made up of:  Breaking of the wall of that being’s egg, seed or womb in order to expel the new-borne through pressure and even pain into a new existence!
Where pain and pressure seem to be intolerable and you realize a change is inevitable; celebrate your impending re-birth; start getting ready for what is outside the walls of the comfortable place you spend your days and nights at! You are evolving into something more, consistent with your Ultimate you; soon you will be emerging as that person who you were borne to be in life! Believe it and you shall see it! It takes continued tolerance and belief!”

(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

When it comes to prayer remember that:

“Spoken language is merely a series of squeaks.” Alfred North Whitehead
41. “As it is in our heart and soul; so it will be in our life! You have a great heart, and a great soul. Fill yourself with Love; Calm and Joy; so Love, Calm and Joy will be your experience in life!
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

42. “Surround yourself with good people and avoid the smallest bad intentions! Moment to moment check to be centered in every aspect of your existence and don’t stop working on it until you are centered!”
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

43. “It is not the mere words that make your prayers powerful and recognized but the sincerity and kindness of your purpose. Pray for the good of others and that of yourself, from the depth of your heart and soul! The Prayer of Good People who want good for themselves and others can’t be futile!”
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

44. “Make a point of checking your thoughts, words and actions moment to moment! Stay in Neutral or as close to it as possible and your life will change in matter of days!”
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

45. “Unconditional Love makes life heaven and makes sex climax of a heavenly experience!”
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

46. “It is the perception of the mind that makes the reality so?”
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

47. “If you don’t feed and take care of your horses, donkeys and dogs; they either die or end up serving someone else! Same is true of people in your business and life! Except people are not happy with mere minimum! You need to give them maximum you possibly can! If  you give them maximum and they still are not happy; there are two possibilities; most likely you must do more than you are doing; but if it is not possible to please them even when you have clearly done all there is in your power to do; then accept the reality that you can’t please them.”
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

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