Today is a day that we can change one of our daily routines that practiced over time can impact our life in a great positive way! What routine in your life is it that you know if changed will improve your life?
Daily discipline
Everything comes sown to our philosophies, attitudes and beliefs.
More than one skill and language
Good mentor.
“Every so often we come across an individual who touches our life in an ever-lasting manner! Though these occasions are rare, keeping these individuals in our hearts, souls and lives ever so important. Even long after they are gone, the impact of their contribution affects our lives. Our entire life may be made up of the effect of a few hand-full of these people! Let’s remember them in our own lives and send the love, blessings and light!”
Today is the day you can touch the future. You can do something today that will impact many years to come. Just like one plants a tree that bears fruits for others to enjoy, you can touch someone’s life today who will serve humanity tomorrow. Find a child who needs encouragement; a homeless who needs support; an apprentice who needs a lesson; a student who needs a tutor! Touch the future of our world by an act of kindness today.
Make today YOUR DAY! Give yourself a gift. Look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself how much you love yourself, your mind, your soul! You spend most of your life working, struggling, giving, sharing, all to care for others; you must dedicate one day completely to yourself. Charge-up your personal spiritual battery and fill-up your emotional fuel-tank! LOVE yourself unconditionally and forgive yourself today.
“My purpose in life is to live my purpose. A purposeful life during which I learn through teachings of others and through my own inevitable mistakes, share what I know with others, serve humanity and create abundance.”