Sharing my Knowledge & Experiences On This Website!
Learning From The School Of Hard Knocks!
There is hardly a better teacher in this world than “Life”, and a better school than the “School of Hard Knocks”! There is no more valuable lesson than what you learn by “Experience”. The smart students learn lessons from their own experiences, and the brilliant students of life, learn from the “Experiences of Others”.

This Site is for the Brilliant Students of Life! Those Who Wish to Learn from my Experiences!
My Experiences in Medicine, Cosmetic Surgery, Business & Life
Dr. New Me is my Cosmetic Surgery Business Identity! However, I'm a much greater being than that!
Don’t mistakes cost us in life? Not just financially, but in terms of time, emotional, opportunity cost, and maybe even physical? One mistake can cause an accident, costing our life, or someone else’s life, right?
While “Life” is the best teacher, which teaches us the most valuable lessons of our life, through “Experience”; and there is no school better than a school of hard knocks, the most horrible, unintelligent way to learn is through trial and error! Isn’t that true?

Those who dare to go for their goals and give it a shot learn from their own experiences, and mistakes, through trial and error, but that is the long way, and by definition, it takes the most amount of time to get the results! However, those students of life who are brilliant learn from the experiences of others. When you learn from the experiences of others, you don’t have to make the same mistakes that they have made, which will save you a great deal of time, heartache and pain, and that is why I say that they are brilliant people! I decided to create this website for several reasons!
First of all, I needed to communicate with my thousands of Cosmetic Surgery patients and colleagues from around the world and share my story & experiences! They kept requesting that I do that, so I finally decided to do it!
Secondly, I am a thinker, a type of person who is constantly learning, is curious about life and loves to experience new things, loves to share his experiences and is a natural teacher! I love to teach and share my knowledge! For a bird to be fulfilled, it must fly! That is what a bird is born to do! Putting a bird in a cage will make the bird miserable and eventually destroy its spirit. Each of us have a purpose for our existence! There is a reason why we were created and born! It is our responsibility to discover what that is, and fulfill our calling. To be fulfilled and truly happy, we must discover what the purpose for our creation is, master that which we were born to do and do it to the best of our ability.
The interesting thing is that I am a pretty complex person who has multiple talents, and many interests. Being very inquisitive, naturally curious with an insatiable appetite for education and learning new things, finding my calling in life was like attemptingto hit a moving target. But I knew that it had to include teaching, writing, business and entrepreneurship, sciences, wholistic and allopathic medicine, surgery and helping others through them, leadership, philanthropy, spirituality, comparative religious studies, history, geography, sociology, psychology, constantly learning, sharing what I learn with others, giving public talks regarding social matters that make a huge difference in the world, personal growth, self development, global business and leadership, artistic expression, invention, technology and learning about the most advanced things on the horizon. Given all of these multitude of interests and passions, I realized that I could not possibly remain in one single profession for a lifetime, and lock myself in a single office as a solo practitioner which was what I ended up doing as a very busy cosmetic surgeon, or even a multi-hospital or a small region physician-surgeon which was what I did prior to cosmetic surgery; as what I felt, to be truly happy and consistent with my inner self, I needed to be a global , footloose person, able to deal with global issues and provide care to people around the world. This is what I am doing now, and I couldn’t be happier. (To be totally honest, I could be happier if I made a few billions of dollars a year, but I'm pretty greatful! I love what I do!)
It took a long time to get here, but it was all worth it.
Since I have known myself, I have realized that I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. It is almost impossible for a day to pass, when I don’t learn several new things. These things that I learn are not necessarily in one particular subject matter. I go through life with this sense of curiosity, wonder and amazement. I am in awe of the world that we live in. The complexity and Interconnection of this world is mind-boggling. Everything and everyone is interconnected every molecule, and every cell, every energy, and every atom, at some level in someway is interconnected. When you think about it, long enough, and recall your studies of sciences, psychology, physiology, and spirituality and religious studies from your school years, you may realize that what I’m saying makes sense. Looking at our world in that way, then we realize how everything we do, impacts everyone, and everything, in someway. These revelations have been occupying my mind, and have inspired me to create three Non-Profit Organizations that I am leading, with the intention of sharing what I have learned in life with others. Through these non-Profit organizations, I get to do all the things I love to do.
I also have established a few for profit organizations that help me satisfy my interests, and fulfil my passions on a daily basis:
Marketing Consulting Services

Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills, Shane Sheibani - Your Trusted Marketing Consultant
At Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills, Shane Sheibani, we understand the importance of marketing for the success of your business. That’s why we offer a range of marketing consultancy services to help you reach your target audience and achieve your goals. Whether it’s creating a comprehensive marketing plan, running a successful social media campaign, or optimizing your website for search engines, we’ve got you covered. Our team of experienced marketers will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and develop a tailored strategy that delivers results.
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Ready to take your business to the next level? Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our marketing experts.
Facts, Advice, Opinions...
Nasal Surgery

Facial Surgery

Body Surgery

These Pictures are for Educational Purposes! Surgeries are Performed by Various Surgeons Globally!

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