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Just as in Life, in Business also you Should Learn from the Experience of others?

This is the content of part of my book I published in 2006 called Priceless Business Lessons from the School of Hard Knocks, the next volume will be published soon.

~Chapter One~

Learning from Experience
I was going to call this book the Business Law for the entrepreneur from a business man’s point of view. But I thought that it was really more truthful to tell you about the means by which I learned my Street Smarts.
I have learned most of what I know about business law through learning the hard way, not only by studying Business Law in the MBA School and having numerous long and expensive conversations and consultations with my many attorneys and attorney friends but also by taking numerous seminars and training classes.

~Chapter Two~

Business Law Made Simple
If you don’t love or like yourself, no one else will. The reality is that as far as that applies to business you have really got to love yourself enough to protect yourself. You have to love yourself enough not to allow yourself be a main target for anyone to be shooting at. The truth of it is if you don’t protect yourself there are plenty of people who will knowingly and even many who unknowingly will hurt you financially, professionally, and otherwise.

You really need to be loving yourself enough to protect yourself by setting up the corporate structures, the business structures, agreements, contracts, and things that are necessary in order to be protected all throughout your career.

~Chapter Three~

Staking your Claim
You really as the boss, as the owner, as the CEO have a lot at stake. At the same time, you have this subconscious commitment and complete motivation to see your organization succeed. That in itself puts you in a position where you become clearly aware of things that are not correct and good and don’t feel well or feel right to your subconscious. When you make a judgment and you are asked to make a decision, always take your time. Take a step back.

Give yourself enough time to wholeheartedly connect with the greater intelligence of the universe within you look at the situation. Separate yourself away from the politics, away from the circumstances, and away from the people that you are involved with or the people who encourage you one way or the other and their personal gains.

~Chapter Four~

Handling Confrontations
By all means, avoid confrontation in any situation you are in. Just be sure to avoid any confrontation as much as you can. Remember as the boss and as the CEO, you have more to lose than anybody else does. If there is a confrontation or a situation in which you feel there is an unfair, unethical, or unacceptable statement, approach, or situation facing you, don’t confront it head on.
Take a big step back. Take a deep breath and relax. The truth of the matter is whatever you can do now in haste and as a reactive effort; you can still do a little later.

~Chapter Five~

How to Handle Legal Representation
In legal types of situations, if you are running a business of any kind, as an entrepreneur or businessperson, then I do recommend that you have an attorney who really cares about you and has your best interest at heart. I know that some people traditionally hate attorneys. Hate them if you must, but hire one you can stomach anyways.

Have that person really almost filter and look at every decision, everything you do, everything you intend to do, everything you plan, and everything you execute at every given time. Make sure that in fact you run things by them and make no decisions without first consulting with them. Trust me. The few thousand dollars a month that you may be spending on an attorney can save you thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars later, not even mentioning the headaches, the problems they can help you avoid.

~Chapter Six~

About Professional Experts
As much as you can try to create that type of a financial win-win relationship with whoever claims to know how to do certain things, make a direct relationship between the money they earn, the advice they give, and the results they achieve for you. It is easy to give advice, but in reality what you really need as an entrepreneur is people who can help you implement whatever it is you are implementing based on the advice that they give you.

In reality what you need is help implementing. You need people who have done it before not people who have just learned how it possibly could be done. You need somebody who can walk you through it, take your hand, and just step-by-step show you how it is done. That is really the advice the type of hands-on advice and recommendation that is worth it for you.

~Chapter Seven~

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
One of the things that is always common to any entrepreneur is that from time to time you are going to come up against some obstacles. In fact, what is interesting is as you continue to grow as an entrepreneur the obstacles continue to grow in size and in dimension.

Initially, a small little obstacle could be just mail arriving late and that may just put a damper on the days plan, you get a message that you were supposed to get through a secretary and could end up costing you half a day, or something like that. As time goes on, these obstacles continue to grow. That is because your ability now to manage those smaller obstacles continues to grow.

How to Establish Marketing & Sales?

~Chapter Eight~

How to Use Marketing Wisely
One of the things with marketing that they are notorious for is that every body has all the answers and everybody knows everything, but in reality there is no guarantee. They will tell you that they think they can do it. You sign a contract. The next thing you know they cannot, but you still have to pay them because they never guaranteed it. Be very, very cautious with that. Results speak for themselves. I did mention this to you.

I do want to make sure that you really comprehend it. Every time that you agree to pay somebody make sure that you have clear, concise, achievable results that are realistic and that they only get paid according to the results  they create.

~Chapter Nine~

Electronic Health Records Systems:

Good Relationships make a Successful Company
Make sure that as a CEO you understand that relationships make tremendous difference in your level of success. You always want to have as many people above you in certain areas of expertise as you possibly can find. You want to surround yourself by people who know more, who are more competent and more capable, and have more, and people who can help you up. You can surround yourself by people below you to feel good or you can surround yourself by people who are above you in knowledge, skill, and ability to assure your success. Do that latter.

~Chapter Ten~

Open Honesty is the Best Policy 
If you have a deep dark secret, share it with no one and take it to the grave with you. There are no secrets. Trust me it will always come out when you least expect it or least desire it. The truth of the matter is that if you really don’t want it out there don’t share it with any one. Keep it inside. Learn how to keep the secrets to yourself. We hope that there are no real bad secrets, but the truth of the matter is that if you don’t want others to know about it, then don’t tell anyone.

Don’t think that if you tell this person it is not going to go anywhere. It is not true in most cases. You have one friend and that is your Creator. You are your own friend – that is most important. If you do not love yourself, then no one else will. In addition, in addition to that, you have the Creator. Be able to have that real close relationship with God, the Creator. Be able to meditate and share with him everything that is going on. Before you do anything, talk to him.

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