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1-800-Dr New Me



Welcome to Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills, Shane Sheibani! We're here to elevate your awareness!

Dr. New Me is my Cosmetic Surgery Business Identity! However, I'm a much greater being than that!

We are all much greater than our professions, our titles, our jobs, aren't we?

Most importantly we are spiritual beings!

We are here with a purpose and a calling!

The goal is to find that purpose for ourselves and decide what to do during the few days that we are here on Earth to fulfill that calling!

This is my spiritual philosophy of life!

It is normal to feel lost some times. We all do. The bigger our purpose and calling in life, the bigger and complex the puzzle is. It may take quite many years to finally tune-into your calling. I have found my way home, to my path in life, by reflecting in! I know who I am, and I know what I am here to do! But being a human, at times, we all make mistakes and lose our way home! The most important thing is to always remember that, above all else, we are spiritual beings!

No matter what happens in life, our titles, our assets, our properties, our relationships,  perspectives of others about us, and nothing else should define who we are! It is our relationship to our own God, our higher-calling, and our purpose in life that defines us! No matter how badly we lose our way in life, our guiding light, the compus within our heart is the light of God within! Our spiritual calling! Our higher self! I call it our “Spiritual DNA”! Reflecting inwards, it will always bring us back home!! – (I published a book titled “Spiritual DNA” in 2006. I will post part of it in the blogs section as an article for your further edification!)

“As long as we come from a place of judgment, world peace will elude us. The moment we as a people decide to come from a place of tolerance and celebrate that which has given us life, similarity and love; world will become the paradise we speak of. The exciting part is world peace has never been more within the reach of us as connected people. We are no longer isolated communities, we are a global community connected just in time by technology.”
Dr. New Me – Shane Sheibani

These spiritual philosophies of life, in combination with everything else that I have been sharing here, and the prospects of sharing them with the world is quite an exciting vision!

Additionally, in my opinion, putting words to action is power! Learning to live the philosophies that one learns in life, while one shares them with others, and teaching by setting an example is the most honest way of showing the effectiveness of one’s spiritual philosophies! 

The New Me Story & the Lessons I Learned - The Key to Happiness:

I am a highly entrepreneurial person. While my first passion was medicine and surgery and eventually focused on Cosmetic Surgery, I have always been a natural entrepreneur since childhood.
I have created and owned businesses since I was young. My mother tells me I started my entrepreneurial endeavors when I was four, and I used to sell my lunch, pencils, pencil erasers, and things to my classmates. I have always truly loved entrepreneurship.
When I started my practice as a Cosmetic Surgeon, I was gifted by a business name in my sleep. I immediately woke up and wrote the name down. 
This became the name of my business, I trademarked it. I called my practice New Me Institute and later, New Me Surgical Institute. I became known as the Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills.
As I marketed the business and performed more surgeries, I kept receiving referrals and kept marketing, and kept receiving referrals. I was in entrepreneurial heaven. I could not get enough. I loved the challenges and the education of entrepreneurship.

As I have grown older, I have learned that it is best to keep the practice a boutique, low-volume practice and for only a select group of patients that fit the type of practice one wishes to have perfectly. As a young, idealistic surgeon who loved people and wanted  to help everyone with his skills, I was minimally selective. That, to a huge part, turned out to be an error! This does not work in cosmetic surgery! One must be extremely selective as a cosmetic surgeon. It is not a choice, it is a rule!

Patient selection for the practice/surgeon, and careful selection of a surgeon by the patient, as well as self-education for the patient, in addition to communication between the surgeon and the patient, followed by the patient being one hundred percent compliant with all the instructions, recommendations and orders of the surgeon are important means of minimizing the chances of future patient dissatisfaction with the outcome.

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Stem Cells

March 20, 2024/

Dr. Daniel Davidson, MD, MBA Introduction: Stem cells have captivated the imagination of scientists and the public alike for their…

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