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1-800-Dr New Me



Welcome to Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills, Shane Sheibani! We're here to elevate your awareness!

Daniel Davidson, MBA, DBA, PhD
HealthCare Executive
Expert Professional Consultant
Office: 310-766-6600
Direct: 310-212-1500

“The most important principle to prevent us from getting stabbed in the back is to trust our own five senses! Accept what you sense with your five senses as the truth and you must never fool yourself into believing otherwise or to allow others to do that. When we don’t want to accept the reality that our five senses identify about others, we usually make excuses for those people. To us, we are usually the easiest person to fool. In short, once you discover who they are; as a result of their demonstration of the truth about them; believe your judgment! Believe who people really are the first time that they show you their true colors.”
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

“We make it into a “mistake” only when we stop moving in the direction of our dreams after we make that mistake; otherwise it is only a “Lesson” that puts us one step closer to our ultimate goal! Every mistake is a lesson that shows us one more thing that doesn’t work, so that we can try something new!
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

Quotes by (Dr. Daniel Davidson.):

“As a father, the greatest feeling of calm satisfaction that I experience is when I watch my girls and realize that they are growing into happy, confident and intelligent young ladies. No satisfaction is more deeply felt and enjoyable. Financial, professional or educational achievements are great, but what truly lasts a lifetime, to the end is satisfaction of parenthood. We are programmed by nature to parent children, and if we focus our attention on that primary responsibility, no matter what else happens in life, we are more likely to feel ever-lasting inner satisfaction.
(Dr. Daniel Davidson)

“Our “Life’s Rewards” are proportional to our positive outcomes and accomplishments. The number and greatness of our accomplishments are proportional to the number of mistake we are willing to make and with our ability to learn from our mistakes”
       ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Any healthy able-bodied person must be able to earn himself a descent living no matter where he is! If he can’t do that, the “problem” is not where he lives, nor anything else, it is his beliefs!”
        ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Behind every dark night there shall come a beautiful sunny day, but you must be willing to patiently wait.”
       ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“No matter what life does to us we are still valuable as is a wrinkled, crushed $100 bill! Plus we have more experience to share as a result! Go out there with confidence and have a great day!”
       ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Just one thing at a time should be allowed to enter and take valuable-space in your mind! You; as almost all people of the world can’t do more than one thing at each given moment anyways. Focus all your energy on your priority only! Why cripple your mind by allowing more than one concern into your cognition? The sooner you get that one thing that you are focused on done, the sooner you can do other things!”
       ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“As it is in our heart, mind and soul; so it will be in our life! We each have a great heart, a great mind and a great soul; that is the essence of who we are. If we surround our world with Love; Calm  and Joy; so will be the essence of our life!
       ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Surround yourself with good people and avoid the smallest bad intentions! Moment to moment check to be centered in every aspect of your existence and don’t stop working on it until you are centered!”
       ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“When it comes to prayer remember that:

“Spoken language is merely a series of squeaks.”Alfred North Whitehead

It is not the mere words that make your prayers powerful and recognized but the sincerity and kindness of your purpose. Pray for the good of others and that of yourself, from the depth of your heart and soul!
The “Prayer of Good People” who want good for themselves and others can’t be futile!”

       ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“I have learned that when I make a point of checking my thoughts, words and actions moment to moment and stay in Neutral or as close to it as possible, my life would change in matter of days!”
             ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Unconditional Love makes life with our spouse feel like heaven and makes sex climax of a heavenly experience!”
             ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“It is the perception of the mind that makes the reality so?”
            ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“To our inner power and our true existence, who ever we are!
CHEERS!”              ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

          ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“I have no interest to hate all those who hate me as I am fully occupied loving those that matter in my world!”           

         ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Very often in life “Your Value” is the price you are willing to accept! DARE to DEMAND the most out of life! Don’t sell yourself cheap! YOU ARE WORTH IT! To desire is the first step to achievement! You are worth it; go for it!”
             ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“As the days pass; the world we live in becomes smaller and smaller! Very soon the impact of our actions in the universe return to us in real time; almost instantly! Good or bad we impact our own life as we impact others’ lives and the universe! We can no longer be indifferent towards the impact of our actions!”

                  ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“We are never defeated until we decide we are! We should NEVER GIVE-UP! We MUST keep our head high; put our crown back on our head and charge-on! We were borne to succeed!”     

                   ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

It is Thanks to ALL those who have died for Freedom and Sovereignty of our Nations that we have the privilege of our RIGHTS to be Americans. We raise our hats in silent gratitude to the memories of our fallen. We wish an end to war globally and ever-lasting PEACE around the world.”

                    ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Sooner or later there comes a time in a person’s life that one has to ask: What is my memory going to stand for? How are the future generations going to remember me? Will they recognize me and my contributions? Who have I been in life? We can DECIDE and then BE!! We get to create and define ourselves!!”
                   ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD


“Happiness is a choice. Be happy, even if you do not feel so happy right now!”
                    ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“To achieve happiness, I’ve found I must always follow and be true to my heart!”    ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“How do we achieve our inner calling? Our inner calling is achieved by just letting our Spiritual Light truly shine. It is about blessing others with our inner calling! We must share our inner gifts with others selflessly if we are to be truly happy!”
                     ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“When you think about it; achieving spiritual fulfillment is all about helping others enjoy a better life by helping them achieve the best version of their existence!!!”
                     ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

 “Life is about transformation! It is not about finding ourselves as much as it is about creating the best version of ourselves!!”
                       ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“May we each grow in our spirits while on earth so that no matter what our religion, nationality or our beliefs are, the entire world morns in our passing!”
                      ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“One of the greatest GIFTS in life is ADVERSITY! When the worst happens in life, you just learn who your true friends really are! And learning that is worth all the pain that the adversity may have caused you in the first place!!”
                    ___ Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Not all rules are perfect rules. To rewrite the rules, we must first master them!
                    ___ Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“The Golden Rule of Life is relatively simple! Just treat others as you want to be treated! What makes life complicated is the difficulty in accepting and following this Rule in life!”
              ___ Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Unless we are willing to risk and to do what seems very difficult; it is very unlikely that we would taste ultimate fulfillment in our life! But just because something is hard to do; that doesn’t make it the right thing to do! Savvy and experience comes with age and a true genius is the one who doesn’t run from great challenges; yet finds the easiest ethical path to overcome them! There is no honor in suffering; BUT HONOR IS in OVERCOMING!”
                 ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“I heard on a television show the greatest quote ever; I paraphrase: –(Yes, the law has done a twist on us again!…if someone is smart enough, he can make the law stand on its head and sing the Star Spangled and Banner if he wanted to… and the law being the law, there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it!)– so true!!!”           
                     ___ Dr. New Me Daniel Shane Sheibani Davidson

“When you are looking to find your true life’s calling, just passively deciding about your goal is not enough. You must have total conviction in your heart, mind and soul; you have to be one hundred percent absolutely committed to achieving your goal! In the process of any endeavors especially when you are attending school, circumstance will very often arise, most of which are out of your control, when it feels almost impossible to continue on your chosen path. Many times while you are struggling along the path in pursuit of your dreams, it will become so hard that many times you would want to give-up but you must Love your goal so much that you would keep going no matter how difficult it is. To achieve If you don’ t have that kind of love toward your goal, you will most likely not succeed! So, make sure you decide very surely with all your heart, soul and might!
To tap into my Inner Spiritual DNA to decide about extremely important decisions in my life, I almost always use my own Death-Bed Inventory Exercise”!
                      ____Dr. New Me Dr. Daniel Shane Sheibani Davidson

“I have developed a technique that I call the Death Bed Inventory Exercise. In my experience it is the key to making the absolutely best decisions in life. Just in a relaxed, calm and meditative state, imagine yourself on your death bed looking backwards at this moment in time! Facing the two outcome that come from pursuing each of the directions that you can choose to follow! Which one is the best one looking backwards? Ask yourself which decision would have rendered you the most beneficial outcome in your life?”
                        ____Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Sometimes, the smartest thing to do is to agree with yourself to be happy with doing nothing. The smart people are those who can decide WHEN to do and WHAT to do; but even more importantly the smartest are those who know WHEN TO DO NOTHING!”

                           ___Dr. New Me D. Shane Sheibani Davidson, MD

“When my wife isn’t a pain in my pants, I feel like I’m stock in an island all alone! My world feels completely “de-populated”! It may be because she is an Extremely important part of my life or that I’m awfully boring to the point that I even bore myself to death! I’d like to admit to the later as being the case!!”
                             ___Dr. New Me Daniel S. Sheibani Davidson, MD

“Most men complain that “their wives claim they know everything!”
That does not apply to me! My wife doesn’t claim she knows everything! She just hates it when I don’t!!!!!”

                              ___Dr. New Me Daniel S. Sheibani Davidson, MD

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