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1-800-Dr New Me



Welcome to Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills, Shane Sheibani! We're here to elevate your awareness!



Meet Dr. Daniel Davidson, MD, MBA

My Background

With a unique background, the uniqueness of which literally started from when I was born, the family that I was born in, and where I was born; to the discovery of my professional purpose in life, to my introduction to Chiropractic, Osteopathic Medicine and Holistic Medicine, to the start of Allopathic Medical School in 1988, to the spiritual direction on which I found myself and the discovery of my Spiritual calling in life in 1991, to my persuit of Naturopathic Doctorate degree, and its achievement (ND) along with my MD degree in 1993; to the creation of a non-profit organization for World Peace called Messiah International Foundation in 1996; and the start of my Life Coaching – Leadership Training business called Transformation Institute that same year; to the initiation of the first Integrative Holistic approach to the practice of medicine in the world inclusive of Spirituality within Medicine and Psychology,

which I named EntireoPathic Medicine, which was a revolutionary School of thought that I started to teach in the International Health Institute in 1996; to defining the transformative PsychoSpiritual method of approaching psychology in recognition of spirituality as part of mind-body connection, naming it PsychoSpiritual Medicine and teaching it in the International Health Institute, in Los Angeles as well; to becoming a prominent, higly successful Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon (2000-2012), as the director of the New Me Surgical Institute, earning the name Dr. New Me from my beloved patients, to earning my Masters in Business Administration in 2004, and further pursuit of CEO education, onsite-training, in addition to in-person and online education to receive a Doctorate degree in Business Administration (DBA) 2005 and a PhD in Marketing in 2006, followed by the experience of a CRASH, a FREE-FALL, in the financial melt-down of 2008!

My Approach

I believe that every individual has the potential to live a positive, fulfilling, and purposeful life while massively contributing to the world. To be effective in achieving that, one must discover oneself, one’s purpose and one’s calling! This may take a long time to accomplish, but to be fulfilled and live a life worth living, there are no shortcuts!

The more gifted, multi-talented one is, the more complext this puzzle seems to be. To completely discover the meaning of the picture of who one really is, and to identify one’s pupose and calling, it takes years, perhaps decades. It may be a life-long process! After all these years, i am still discovering more of myself! I know that i am a natural healer, entreprenuer, an educator, an innovator and i am an author. In order to be truly fulfilled, i must remain true to the core of who i am (which i call my “spiritual dna”- i wrote a book under that title in 2006, you may purchse that if you wish. I am sure you will find it interesting!)

Our Services

Given that i have been in the healthcare field for decades, and given my extensive education in business administration and my experience as an entreprenuer, i am the administrator of several leading healthcare as well as many non-healthcare entities that provide all types of services. 

These services in the healthcare field through various organizations include, but are not limited to: 

Cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dermatology, anti-aging medicine, wholistic integritive medicine, mobile wound care, mobile health services, ambulatory surgical services, general family practice, urgent care, multi-specialty medical services, home health care, hospice care, alcohol & drug rehabilitation, among others.

This Website

In this site, Dr. Davidson will share over 55 years of his life experiences and education with you. 
Dr. New me is a cosmetic surgery, medical, self-help, business & spiritual educator and author. As a world renowned cosmetic surgeon, dr. New me was a prominent, succesful practicing cosmetic plastic surgeon in beverly hills. Over the years he performed thousands of cosmetic surgeries of face, nose, breasts and body contouring procedures. 
Dr. New me will teach you all you need to know about cosmetic surgery, how to avoid complications, how to choose the right surgeon and how to obtain the best outcome from your cosmetic surgery of choice. 

Setting the Record Straight about Fake Claims & Lies!

Too Many Allegations, False Claims, Name-Calling, Misrepresentations & Flat-Out Lies to Ignore!

We know that anyone can make any allegation about anyone, make claims and even make up lies. Most people are decent and don't! Cybercriminals do!

That is the problem with fake news, fake reviews, cyberbullying and cybercrimes of all types! These days, cybercriminals can destroy others' credibility by misrepresenting the truth! The question is, can they prove their claims? That is the test!

Claim: I have been “Disfigured”!
Response: What do you mean by “Disfigured”? Anyone can claim that! 

What does that exactly mean? 

This is the favorite cyberbullying technique! Make up a disatserous, vague and ambiguous claim that frightens the life out of anyone, and insist on your position, and claim that the doctor was responsible for that outcome! An outcome that no one has any knowedge of its existence to begin with, and no one can ever disprove its existence, because they can’t force you to undress! They have to take your word for it!

No Minor Surgeries! only Minor Surgeons and Careless Patients! Every Surgery is Major!

Setting the Record Straight about Fake Reviews & Fake News!

Too Many Allegations, False Claims, Name-Calling, Misrepresentations & Flat-Out Lies Out There, to Ignore!

We know that anyone can make any allegation about anyone, make false claims, and even make up lies, calling lies "Reviews", or "News"! The question is, can they prove their claims? That is the test!

Intentionally making statements on the World Wide Web, on any platform, and in any format online, to hurt, harass, and cause pain to another person is “Cyberbullying”!

Cyberbullying is a Crime!

Those who engage in any type of “Cyberbullying” are “Cybercriminals”!

Certain “Fake Reviews”, “Maliciously Edited Videos”, and “Fake News” are Cyberbullying too, and most likely a Crime!

They Deserve Firm Responses Online, as well as Legal Actions, in addition to Criminal Charges when Appropriate!

Dr. New me

“Cyberbullying”, “Fake Reviews”, and “Fake News” can destroy lives as knives, swords, and guns can!

All wounds are not visible!     All pains are not physical!     All damages are not reversible!

All damages that are caused by cyberbullying are not necessarily measured by the typical forensic means of measuring damages by the court of law and the legal system!

Lives that are intentionally devastated by “Fake News”, “Fake Reviews”  and the malicious actions of “Cybercriminals” are irreversibly damaged, and can never be rectified!

Cyberbullying is a Crime & Cyberbullies are Cybercriminals!

Just like the organized criminals, they too are a public threat!

Anyone can make unlimited fake, free email accounts, and go on writing toxic, destructive, self-serving, and defamatory “reviews”! These criminals can blackmail business owners or put them out of business.

Any freelance journalist who sells news videos and gets paid under the table by third parties can make fake news, by creating fake, self-serving news stories that have nothing to do with reality, making them look like the truth, and selling them to the news stations as “news”, which is suddenly protected by the first amendment!

Why Don't Patients that go to Excellent Cosmetic Surgeons always have the Outcomes they Want?

Idiosyncrasies of cosmetic surgery… 

What makes cosmetic surgery very different from any other field of surgery?

Limitations of the Surgeon:

Cosmetic surgery is an interesting field! Opposite to the common belief that the outcome of cosmetic surgeries only depends on the surgeon’s skills and abilities, that is not true.

Responsibility of the Patients to Self Educate:

It is every patient’s responsibility to educate himself/herself adequately before surgery. They must educate themselves about the limitations of a cosmetic surgeon’s abilities in general by performing the procedure that they are interested in, the limitations of the particular cosmetic surgery procedure in terms of its results, potential known complications of the surgery they are about to have, and then they would have the choice to have it or not.  

Taking full Responsibility for the Outcome:

If they do not want to take the risk of having any of the known potential complications of the surgery, they should not have the surgery whatsoever. Patients must be willing to take full responsibility for their decision and their part, which is extensive and very serious. It is a very serious decision to have cosmetic surgery. It is taking a perfectly healthy body, and putting it through invasive, risky procedures with all types of known and potentially unknown and even possibly unexpected complications in the hopes of having a better subjective appearance. 

Better appearance than whom, and in whose eyes, and by what standards? When you think about it, it is a pretty risky undertaking, hoping for something uncertain! 

Cosmetic surgery is unfortunately a type of surgery that is prone to all types of issues that could result in patients being less than totally happy at the end, despite a surgeon’s excellent work. 

Outside of what the surgeon and the staff tell a patient, it is the responsibility of the patient to do his/her own research, educate himself/herself, take total responsibility for his/her part of the equation, and not to blame others for his/her own lack of education, knowledge, or irresponsibility.

Happiness is not the Goal!

There are a multitude of issues that result in cosmetic surgery patients, despite the excellent work of their surgeons, not ultimately being perfectly satisfied with their outcomes. The outcome of a cosmetic surgery procedure depends on a multitude of factors besides the cosmetic surgeon’s capabilities. I did my absolute best for every patient, but i also on occasion had patients who had less than their ideal outcomes. These factors include but are not limited to the nature of the procedure being performed, its level of complexity. The pre-existing scarring in the area of surgery, the patient’s predisposition to scarring, the patient’s genetics, the patient’s physiology such as immune system function (natural defense of the body against infections), patient’s possible allergy to suture, surgical tapes or implanted materials, preexisting medical conditions.

 Quality of the patient’s diet and nutritional status, patient’s use of herbs, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, patients not following pre and post-operative instructions correctly, potential accidents or untoward occurrences that could jeopardize the surgery or surgical site during or after surgery, other individuals’ actions other than those of the surgeon’s, errors by other surgeons or medical staff, and many more. 

On the other hand, cosmetic surgery is very different than most other surgeries in one distinct aspect. While most surgeries are intended to treat pathology, and once performed, there is no subjectivity for the most part, cosmetic surgery patients’ level of satisfaction depends on how the patient feels about the results of the surgeries, and it is extremely subjective. 

There are Absolutely no Guarantees!

While cosmetic surgeons cannot ever guarantee results, and how the surgeries will heal, or even if the patients will be happy with the results, some patients will never be happy no matter how great the results are. 

Minimally invasive procedures are just as much “real surgeries” as are open heart surgeries. All these promotional attempts to downplay endoscopic procedures,  small incision procedures, and liposuction surgery, as if they are not risky surgery may make it sound like they are not “real surgeries”, hence give patients a false sense of security. 

I hear a lot of conversation about minimally invasive procedures being safe, as if “not real surgeries”. This has resulted in patients taking them less seriously, especially liposuction surgeries. Liposuction with its small incisions is still a major procedure.

Why do you want to have Cosmetic Surgery?

Discuss your plans of having cosmetic surgery with your psychotherapist. Make sure your view of reality matches that of others! Are you sure you look old, fat, ugly, sad, etc? Those are not the reasons to have cosmetic surgeon. 

For example, there are those patients who have a condition called body dysmorphic disorder who may look in the mirror and see themselves as being overweight or fat and seek cosmetic surgery for that purpose.

These individuals in fact may have a small pocket of fat in the lower area of their abdomen and they may have a liposuction procedure to remove this small amount of fat. However, after the fat is removed, and the patient’s abdomen is washboard flat, the patient still looks in the mirror and still sees a fat person. This disconnection from reality causes a huge problem for the patient and the surgeon. Neither the patient will ever be happy, nor the surgeon can ever make the patient happy.

Having Realistic Expectations

Another issue is unrealistic expectations. For example, an individual may seek to have cosmetic surgery expecting to look like a certain favorite actress to whom she thinks she has a certain amount of resemblance. This is most likely not going to happen. That is an unrealistic expectation!

Knowing the realistc range of possible outcome of each procedure

So, is it a realistic expectation if a patient expects a certain amount of improvement after surgery that is above and beyond the realistic realm of possibility of the procedure? Looking at the before and after pictures, and in the opinion of everyone else looking at them, “the result of surgery may be excellent, but not to the level of the expectation of the patient”. In this situation, the patient will not be happy, and it is because the patient believes that the surgeon did not do a “good enough job” of giving her the results to her “expected levels”.

Choosing Breast Implants / Getting Breast Augmentation and Deciding on the Correct Size

Another situation is when patients decide on one procedure, and then they change their mind after the procedure is done. For example, a tall, large-framed patient may decide that against the surgeon’s advice, she does not want to have 600cc breast implants that the surgeon feels fit her frame. She disagrees with the opinion of the surgeon because she does not want to look “like a prostitute”, she chooses 400cc implants. Hence, in her medical record, her choice of 400cc breast implants will be indicated. When weeks later she comes in to have surgery, she does not recall much that has occurred in the consultation with her surgeon. She will undergo surgery. The surgery will go well. After everything is said and done, she heals well, and the swelling is gone. She suddenly realizes that her breasts have not changed enough after all, and she is not happy. Now, there is a problem. Even though she was warned by the surgeon ahead of time and she did not listen, she blames the surgeon for her dissatisfaction and “small breasts”.

Know if you have Genetic Risk of scar Formation Ahead of time

Another situation is when patients have a predisposition to forming scars or keloids. These individuals often end up with unsightly scars at the incision lines. These scars usually end up diminishing the cosmetic value of the surgeries to the patients, and perhaps to their significant others. Certain genetics and ethnicities, such as dark-skinned individuals, are known to be predisposed to hypertrophic scars and keloid formations. These genetic and ethnic groups include those with darker skin color individuals like African Americans, Hispanics, middle easterners, arabs, and others.

Allergy to various chemicals, known or unknown

Another situation could be when individuals may be allergic to suture (stitches) or implant material. They may develop inflammation, scarring, infection, wound breakdown, or all types of complications jeopardizing the outcome of the surgery.

There are no Minor Surgeries! every Surgery is Major!

An ideal candidate for liposuction and fat transfer is a young person with a small amount of fat in a specific area, perfectly healthy and tight skin, with no stretch marks, who is mentally 100% normal. This individual must have educated him/herself completely, understanding the nature of the procedure that he/she is about to undergo, its risks, benefits, alternatives, its limitations, and he/she must have completely reasonable expectations. This individual must listen to the surgeon’s preoperative and postoperative instructions well. He/she must follow them 100% perfectly. This individual must not have a predisposition to excess scar formation, and his/her physiology must be 100% perfectly conducive to excellent healing. 

Lumps & Bumps

Additionally, fat cells that remain under the skin are not all implanted immediately after surgery. They are healthy fat cells that are mobile and floating around. They move around under the skin in the deep tissues through the deep channels that the cannulas have created and eventually depending on the patient’s body contours and folds, movements and clothing post-operative garments, and many other factors, get trapped and implanted under the skin. Once the fat cells are implanted, they do not implant equally and smoothly. They may congregate in one area a whole lot more than another area, and as the person gains a bit of weight again after surgery, suddenly, those areas where the fat cells had congregated would balloon up into a ball of fat (LUMPS AND BUMPS). If there are many of these balls and irregularities, intermixed with the irregularities of hanging skin due to lose skin secondary to childbirth and deep scars, the patient’s post-liposuction results can potentially be less than cosmetic. 

Touch Up Surgery Usually is not Successful

 The problem is that the surgeon could attempt to touch up some of these balls of fat and remove them or smooth things out secondarily in a second surgery, but the patient may never get the results she is expecting. This is one of the curses of cosmetic surgery. 

The challenge of combining liposuction with fat transfer

When you combine liposuction with fat transfer, as is a common procedure, again, another challenge presents itself. Fat cells that get transferred may not all survive equally, as much as desired or expected at all. In addition, don’t forget those patients that form extra scars. In those patients who are prone to forming scars, at a later time, the scars that form may pull the skin down and again cause in dentations and irregularities as well as dimpling and poor cosmetic results.

Volume Limit of Liposuction & Limits of Physiology

Another issue is that there is a limit as to how much fat can be removed safely. There is a legal and ethical as well as professional limit as to how much fat can be removed in the operating room. This is not a lot of fat. However, often, especially obese patients, expect the surgeons to remove a whole lot more than the legal limit despite how many times the surgeon explains what the legal limit is and how many times he/she helps explain what that limit may look like in her body, the patient may imagine that amount to represent a different outcome than the reality. 

This is a huge potential problem. Even though before the surgery, the patients may sign all the consents and documents and even agree with the surgeon and indicate that they understand the limits, but in their mind and heart, they are hoping that they will get the outcome they are imagining, which is why they are having the surgery in the first place! This is a set up for a disaster! Regardless of how much the surgeon tries and how great the outcome is, the chances are extremely high that the patient will not get the results he/she has imagined. Same thing applies to the fat transfer patients. These patients who have fat transfer may not have the exact outcomes that they were expecting no matter how skillfully the procedure was performed, all because, during the healing process, the patient’s physiology is in control and the surgeon is not. 

Who are the Patients Most at Risk of Complications?

You are at a greater risk of complications of cosmetic procedures if you:

Are a smoker (tobacco, marijuana, or anything else)
Have a weak immune system
Are HIV positive or suffer from aids
Do not have a healthy diet and make the right lifestyle choices
You suffer from poor circulation, especially if in the area of the surgery
You suffer from obesity, especially of your BMI is      30 or higher
Have any chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, or other conditions that may increase your risk of surgery, bleeding or anesthesia

Learning more about Dr. New Me of Beverly Hills!

Grattitude & Appretiation!

 I have always done my absolute best under any circumstance, given my limitations, and of course that included as a cosmetic surgeon. However, despite our best efforts, we all occasionally make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Making mistakes is human. As leaders, we must notice our mistakes, accept our faults, and apologize for them if they involve others. We must learn from our mistakes, and not make the same mistakes again. The obstacle to admitting fault is usually our ego. I have a huge one, which is as big as that of most surgeons. However,  I would rather conquer mine, and apologize. If “i” have made a mistake that affected you as my beloved patients, I sincerely and humbly apologize for any of my shortcomings as a human. I appreciate you for bestowing your trust in me. Performing thousands of surgeries, was fulfilling the greatest dream of my life of becoming a successful and prominent cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills which became possible with your love, kindness, and support, and for that, I would forever be thankful to each one of you. 

Additionally, I have had the privilege of working with many amazing colleagues in my career. There are too many to mention, many of whom are already retired, or no longer with us. The late Dr. Bernard Koire was a legend in Beverly Hills. He was one of the greatest plastic surgeons who practiced in Beverly Hills for over fifty years.

I had the privilege of completing my first year of Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship under his tutelage in Beverly Hills, on Bedford Drive. I followed that with two more years with Dr. Morton Mazaheri, another world-renowned Plastic and Reconstructive, Cosmetic Surgeon and worked with him for several years after. He is also a legend.

Fake News, Fraud, Lies, Defamation --vs. --freedom of Speech

Why Can't you sue them if they are Abusing the first Amendment for Personal Gain?

Are these reviews? By whose standards? Reading the “reviews”, watching the “news” and reading the news “articles”, one will notice a pattern that there are those who under the guise of wanting to warn others, and to make sure that the public do not get hurt, and to help them stay safe, they take the authoritarian position to spread false information in the public domain, which is then automatically protected by the first amendment as freedom of speech dictates!

While they are covertly showing the world how toxic of human being they really are who have no problem hurting the subject, about whom they have made up all these lies, defamations, calling them names, making false claims about them online, assassinating their characters, destroying their reputations, putting them out of business, stopping their ability to earn a living, or embarrassing them to the point that they would be ashamed to raise their head in the public, they publicly act as if they are heroes who are doing all this for the sake of the public!  

My Life before Cosmetic Surgery:

I was born in Iran. I grew up in a family where my father had a government position as a doctor, working for the healthcare agency that supervised medical clinics, and outpatient facilities in part of the capital city of Tehran. Hence, I got exposed to the healthcare field at a very young age. My entire life’s passion, and motivation was to become a surgeon. On the other hand, I was also highly entrepreneurial in spirit since a very young age. It was innate in me. When the Iran-Iraq war broke out, I was a teenager, and the universities were closed, hence the chances of attending a university were nonexistent.  

Many teenagers like me flee the country. Without the privilege of having the supervision of my parents, under those circumstances, I also had to flee my war-stricken country of birth, to pursue my passion. After a few months awaiting for a visa in Europe, I arrived in Los Angeles. My brother and I rented an apartment together.

Cosmetic Surgery, a Double-Edged Sword! The "First Mountain" of My Life!

Conquering the “First Mountain” of my life, Cosmetic Surgery:

Nonetheless, despite many difficulties, and tremendous challenges, I completed my medical studies, and after medical school, I completed two years of general surgery residency, followed by three years of cosmetic surgery fellowship training, and passed the written, and the oral examinations of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. This was a board of specialty that had been established about twenty years prior, and was working towards recognition as one of the Boards of Medical Specialties (ABMS), like Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery or Neurosurgery. Being that medicine is a very systemic, traditional, and for a good reason strictly standardized and of course political field, American Board of Cosmetic Surgery not being an ABMS-recognized board of specialty was always a problem, and the Medical Board of California also will not recognize it until it becomes ABMS recognized. This was a huge problem my entire cosmetic surgery career.

Keeping our eyes to the Future! One day at a time!

From the end of December 2019, until January 6th, 2020, I suffered from a severe, and life-threatening COVID-19 infection that resulted in my hospitalization in the ICU. I was told by the ER physician, who cared about me as a colleague, to make my final arrangements. He felt that due to the severity of the bilateral pneumonia that I was suffering from, the low oxygen saturation, and the clinical presentation, based on his experience, I most likely was not going to make it out of the hospital alive. I was 51. As you may be able to imagine, that was a huge shock. 

I made several calls, made final arrangements, and then sat back in the gurney in a state of shock! I truly was! 

I believe in God strongly, and I felt that He had spared my life many times before, but I thought that God intended to end it by COVID. My entire life started to flash before my eyes like a movie. My life had been spared in 1990, when a group of young armed robbers who had been on a killing spree in Chicago, decided to let me live because I had showed them kindness before I knew they were about to rob me.

My Decisions after Covid:

My decision after my near-death experience after COVID has been to be true to myself and to my purpose in my life. I don’t want to take my life, and my blessings for granted. I intend to enjoy and appreciate those things that I have in my life to the full extent possible. I plan to do my best to fulfill my calling in my life. I know I am blessed with many things, and I often forgot to have gratitude for all the massive blessings in my life. Health being foremost. Lack of gratitude is the foundation of unhappiness in life. Recognizing our blessings, and our gifts are paramount. Sharing those gifts with others is what we are here on earth for. It is our job to find out how we can benefit the greatest number of people in the world sharing our gifts and blessings, doing that which God has put us on this earth to do.

No Matter how many times you Fall, Rise & Rise again! Never

Beginning of a Painful Crash:

I am a highly entrepreneurial person. While my first passion was Cosmetic Surgery, I was always a natural entrepreneur since childhood. I have created and owned businesses since I was young. I have always truly loved entrepreneurship. When I started my practice, I was gifted by a business name in my sleep. I immediately woke up and wrote the name down. 


This became the name of my business, I trademarked it. I called my practice New Me Institute and later, New Me Surgical Institute. As I marketed the name and did surgery, I kept receiving referrals and kept marketing and kept receiving referrals. I was in entrepreneurial heaven. I could not get enough. I loved the challenges, and the education of entrepreneurship. I enrolled in business school. I wanted to grow. I kept trying to hire qualified partners to expand the business.

Rise from the Ashes, One Step at a Time!

Life Immediately After the Crash Landing:

I am not sure if you’ve ever experienced something similar to what I am describing, however, what my first reaction to all that was going on at the time was, was just a sense of total awe and disbelief. It takes quite a long time for us to be able to make sense of such a tremendous series of events that happen all in such a very short period of time. It is very much like a tornado that hits one’s home, and once it passes nothing remains standing, and one is left facing total destruction of everything familiar and valuable. It leaves nothing behind, but total devastation. That level of destruction is only in an aspect of one’s home but imagine if this happened in every possible aspect of your life! How would you possibly deal with that?

Toward the top of the second mountain:

 Once I was successful at climbing out of the hole that I had put myself into, it was time to start climbing up a new mountain. This time, the mountain will be much bigger, lusher, and greener, I am in no rush to get to the top, and I am taking as many people as I can with me. 
It is a matter of helping others and the purpose is to be of service, being true to my life’s calling and making a difference. 

Making mistakes is human. But this time around, as I have grown wiser and learned a great deal from my many mistakes, I get to catch myself early. 

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